2002 Mercedes-Benz Unimog 2-Door Truck
Exterior Color:
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Stock Number:
6 Speed Manual
Limited Warranty
* SOLD! *

Vehicle Description
Sold to a customer in, Ridgway CO. 2002 Unimog U500NA Off Grid 4x4 Camper/Shelter. This monster off grid living / camper / military unit is a monster in size and drives amazing. It has been driven thousands of miles back road and highway with ease. Tires are almost as tall as a monster truck!! Here are a few of the details on this unit. New tipper bed and integrate tanks for water, diesel, grey water and black water into the bed itself. Built from 3CR12 as the material. 3CR12 is a very strong grade of stainless steel that is resistant to corrosion, forms well and welds very well too. The bed was constructed of 2" X 4" X 3mm [0.118"] thick rectangular tubing. The bed was to be 8' wide and 11' long. The first 2' behind the cab would be dedicated to holding the spare wheel, Honda 2000 generator and water injection system. The bed still tips three ways and has all original sides able to be attached. Inside there is a stove, bed, toilet, ac unit, refrigerator and cooler. Total off grid capabilities. The design worked out to be able to hold 150 gallons of water, 120 gallons of diesel including the original 60 gallon tank, 40 gallons of black water, 40 gallons of grey water, customer receiver hitch with standard 7 point connected with electrical brakes. The unit came with the high out put option M03 with increased engine output [286 HP 811 ft. lbs] The unit has been chipped for an estimated 20% increase in Hp and torque. The engine also has a pre-turbo pyrometer, EGT and Boost guage integrated into a Snow performance two stage water/methanol injection system and tank that is approximately 20 gallons. Custom driver-side Griffin radiator with dual high output dual Spal electric fans, diesel craft oil spinner centrifuge, roof top 12vdc air- conditioning unit, additional speakers, 12vdc trickle charger, spare tire holder with spare tire on a winch that lowers out, Honda EU200i generators, dual tool boxes in the bed, pelican toolbox on the front above the custom winch mount, custom winch mount with 15,000 lb hydraulic superwinch, custom hydraulic jack that lifts from flat in one shot, radio and antenna for two way communications, hardwired backup camera. The vin specs are in the last pictures
If you're viewing this on Ebay please go to our website directly to view more photos. For financing assistance with multiple credit unions and lenders in state and out of state apply at www.davis4x4.com. (Please realize some vehicles may not qualify with all banks and all out of state situations; feel free to call ahead to verify.) We also accept USAA and Navy Federal checks as well as we'll be more than happy to work with your bank or credit union of choice. We can provide bill of sale, copy of title, etc. - whatever they may request. We also accept cash deals. We assist with transport to all 50 states even outside the country and will be happy to help with this process. Also, view our website www.aboveaveragetrucks.com for full listings of our 150 plus stock and lifted, accessorized trucks and SUV's, gas and diesel, commercial work trucks, vans, tow trucks/rollbacks, and custom hauling vehicles of all shapes and sizes.This Vehicle Is At 10016 Route 1 North Chesterfield Virginia 23237
If you're viewing this on Ebay please go to our website directly to view more photos. For financing assistance with multiple credit unions and lenders in state and out of state apply at www.davis4x4.com. (Please realize some vehicles may not qualify with all banks and all out of state situations; feel free to call ahead to verify.) We also accept USAA and Navy Federal checks as well as we'll be more than happy to work with your bank or credit union of choice. We can provide bill of sale, copy of title, etc. - whatever they may request. We also accept cash deals. We assist with transport to all 50 states even outside the country and will be happy to help with this process. Also, view our website www.aboveaveragetrucks.com for full listings of our 150 plus stock and lifted, accessorized trucks and SUV's, gas and diesel, commercial work trucks, vans, tow trucks/rollbacks, and custom hauling vehicles of all shapes and sizes.This Vehicle Is At 10016 Route 1 North Chesterfield Virginia 23237
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Vehicle Features & Options
Vehicle Condition & History
Our vehicle VIN decoder automatically generates the factory options that you see listed on our website and window stickers. It is up to the customer to inspect and verify these options are on the vehicle before purchase as we can’t guarantee all of these features. Price does not include $298 Processing Fee, Title, Tax and Tags
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10016 Route 1
North Chesterfield, VA 23237
North Chesterfield, VA 23237