2004 Chevrolet Express Bus
Stock Number:
Limited Warranty
* SOLD! *

Vehicle Description
Sold to a customer from Lawndale NC. Chevrolet express short dual rear wheel shuttle/church bus this school bus style van has overhead storage and seating for 14+ the driver with seatbelts. Also additional rear storage for wheelchair or luggage emergency exit windows, carrier, rear heat and AC system. Emergency exit rear door overall of very good looking clean van one of the nicer units like this we have had in a long time side, school bus style, low entry door, so great for small children or elderly, easy getting in and out of dual rear wheel for safety high roof so you can stand up at 6 foot tall excellent van to be converted to camper or RV but also an amazing well-kept church daycare after school program shuttle usage whatever your needs safety, blind spot mirrors, and been freshly serviced and inspected
Contact Information
Vehicle Features & Options
Vehicle Condition & History
Our vehicle VIN decoder automatically generates the factory options that you see listed on our website and window stickers. It is up to the customer to inspect and verify these options are on the vehicle before purchase as we can’t guarantee all of these features. Price does not include $298 Processing Fee, Title, Tax and Tags
Dealership Information
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Business Hours
Mon: | 9-6 |
Tue: | 9-6 |
Wed: | 9-6 |
Thu: | 9-6 |
Fri: | 9-6 |
Sat: | 9-12 |
Sun: | Closed |
10016 Route 1
North Chesterfield, VA 23237
North Chesterfield, VA 23237