2004 Freightliner Chassis Passenger Van/School Bus 2-Door Sedan
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Limited Warranty
* SOLD! *

Vehicle Description
Sold to a customer from Winterville NC. 2004 Freightliner Passenger Van/School Bus. This vehicle was government owned equipped with a Caterpillar turbo diesel engine what we believe is an Allison automatic transmission and is not rusty whatsoever, air ride suspension. Straight body clean seats not ripped up or torn, automatic transmission and depending on how many people sit per seat seating for approximately 64 people. There is one seat belt per seat. We have several of these units available and also some flat nose as well by Thomas. Being that these vehicles were government maintained and owned and caring children they were kept up to very high standards these would make excellent fleet vehicles transportation into large plants, shuttle services, or even convert into a camper/motorhome, car hauler you name it these are able to be used for it. Extremely heavy duty and again very welcome above typical standards for a commercial work/fleet type vehicle. Price as listed you could not hardly even begin to purchase a used motor and parts at this cost. Please reference the last four digits of the VIN number as we have mulitples of these and that is the only way to keep them straight. Pictures may vary of actual unit.
Contact Information
Vehicle Features & Options
Vehicle Condition & History
Our vehicle VIN decoder automatically generates the factory options that you see listed on our website and window stickers. It is up to the customer to inspect and verify these options are on the vehicle before purchase as we can’t guarantee all of these features. Price does not include $298 Processing Fee, Title, Tax and Tags
Dealership Information
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Business Hours
Mon: | 9-6 |
Tue: | 9-6 |
Wed: | 9-6 |
Thu: | 9-6 |
Fri: | 9-6 |
Sat: | 9-12 |
Sun: | Closed |
10016 Route 1
North Chesterfield, VA 23237
North Chesterfield, VA 23237