2006 Club Car Golf Cart Enclosed Utility Gas Carryall 2 Dump Bed (SOLD)
Stock Number:
Limited Warranty
* SOLD! *

Vehicle Description
Sold to a customer from Beaverdam, VA. 2006 Club Car Enclosed Utility Gas Golf Cart Carryall 2 Edition With Dump Bed by Ingersoll Rand. This unit has the full windshield with windshield wiper, rearview mirror, curtis enclosed tractor cab enclosure with windows doors heater etc. Aluminum bed with drop tailgate and dump body. Perfect unit for around the house/farm, commercial application for security vehicle or use on a plant or construction area etc. This unit even has the fire extinguisher and first aid safety kit still in it, government owned and maintained.
Contact Information
Vehicle Features & Options
Vehicle Condition & History
Our vehicle VIN decoder automatically generates the factory options that you see listed on our website and window stickers. It is up to the customer to inspect and verify these options are on the vehicle before purchase as we can’t guarantee all of these features. Price does not include $298 Processing Fee, Title, Tax and Tags
Dealership Information
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Business Hours
Mon: | 9-6 |
Tue: | 9-6 |
Wed: | 9-6 |
Thu: | 9-6 |
Fri: | 9-6 |
Sat: | 9-12 |
Sun: | Closed |
10016 Route 1
North Chesterfield, VA 23237
North Chesterfield, VA 23237