2012 Chevrolet Express 2-Door
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* SOLD! *

Vehicle Description
Sold to a customer from Powhatan VA. 2012 Chevrolet 4500 Duramax Diesel Ambulance Medical Transport Vehicle. This dual rear wheel enclosed emergency vehicle appears that it just came out of usage and still equipped well. Most of these we sell get converted to RVs motorhomes tiny houses campers, mobile mechanic vehicles, race team rigs even tool trucks. Whatever your usage we all know their maintained above average because they need to be ready to go immediately. This truck starts runs drives and operates as it should 158,000 miles and unlike most has not been stripped of lots of the equipment. If you want to use it for medical transport needs it appears to still be ready. We are no experts on these so feel free to check them out but we have sold dozens upon dozens so we do know enough and have seen enough that are usually very much less equipped than this one for far more price so for this to be a 4500 series Duramax turbo diesel engine equipped vehicle. The drive line is almost worth the asking price not to mention the body and all of the up fit apparatuses this rig has, not to mention what this unit would cost new $$$ which is well into the six figure area.
Contact Information
Vehicle Features & Options
Vehicle Condition & History
Our vehicle VIN decoder automatically generates the factory options that you see listed on our website and window stickers. It is up to the customer to inspect and verify these options are on the vehicle before purchase as we can’t guarantee all of these features. Price does not include $298 Processing Fee, Title, Tax and Tags
Dealership Information
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Business Hours
Mon: | 9-6 |
Tue: | 9-6 |
Wed: | 9-6 |
Thu: | 9-6 |
Fri: | 9-6 |
Sat: | 9-12 |
Sun: | Closed |
10016 Route 1
North Chesterfield, VA 23237
North Chesterfield, VA 23237