2020 Forest River X Lite 241QB XL Camper 2-Door
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Vehicle Description
2020 WildWood Forest River X Lite 241QB XL Camper Tagalong RV. This unit is very well equipped and other than being dusty from our back field storage area is still like new, dual axle with spare tire, awning, fold out aluminum solid step, entry step, storage, power jack, fold out sofa bed, front bedroom area, kitchen table that converts to bed so sleeping area for six, television system, Bluetooth furrion stereo with external speakers, rear private bathroom with standup shower and head, outdoor television mount, heat and AC system, under bed storage, privacy curtain for front sleeping area, multiple rentable windows with screens, kitchen area with microwave, three burner cooktop, refrigerator, freezer and sink. On board storage for fresh, black, and gray water as well as house batteries. No faults or flaws on this unit turnkey ready to hook up and travel and camp immediately.
If you're viewing this on Ebay please go to our website directly to view more photos. For financing assistance with multiple credit unions and lenders in state and out of state apply at www.davis4x4.com. (Please realize some vehicles may not qualify with all banks and all out of state situations; feel free to call ahead to verify.) We accept USAA, Navy Federal and other bank/credit union checks, as well as cash. We can provide bill of sale, copy of title, etc. - whatever they may request. We assist with transport to all 50 states even outside the country and will be happy to help with this process. Also, view our website www.aboveaveragetrucks.com for full listings of our 150 plus stock and lifted, accessorized trucks and SUV's, gas and diesel, commercial work trucks, vans, tow trucks/rollbacks, and custom hauling vehicles of all shapes and sizes.This Vehicle Is At 10016 Jeff Davis Hwy Richmond Va. 23237
If you're viewing this on Ebay please go to our website directly to view more photos. For financing assistance with multiple credit unions and lenders in state and out of state apply at www.davis4x4.com. (Please realize some vehicles may not qualify with all banks and all out of state situations; feel free to call ahead to verify.) We accept USAA, Navy Federal and other bank/credit union checks, as well as cash. We can provide bill of sale, copy of title, etc. - whatever they may request. We assist with transport to all 50 states even outside the country and will be happy to help with this process. Also, view our website www.aboveaveragetrucks.com for full listings of our 150 plus stock and lifted, accessorized trucks and SUV's, gas and diesel, commercial work trucks, vans, tow trucks/rollbacks, and custom hauling vehicles of all shapes and sizes.This Vehicle Is At 10016 Jeff Davis Hwy Richmond Va. 23237
Contact Information
Vehicle Features & Options
Vehicle Condition & History
Our vehicle VIN decoder automatically generates the factory options that you see listed on our website and window stickers. It is up to the customer to inspect and verify these options are on the vehicle before purchase as we can’t guarantee all of these features. Price does not include $298 Processing Fee, Title, Tax and Tags
Dealership Information
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Mon: | 9-6 |
Tue: | 9-6 |
Wed: | 9-6 |
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10016 Route 1
North Chesterfield, VA 23237
North Chesterfield, VA 23237